Happy 157th Birthday Canada. Do you feel old? I feel old, and if you take off that hundred from your age this year, you have my age. Nothing near yours.
Canada Day is a federal statutory that celebrates the anniversary of Canadian Confederation July 1st each year. It was in 1867 that The British North America Act (aka our Constitution) was passed. With that law, three colonies united into a single dominion, those three colonies being the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Until 1982, the national federal birthday was referred to as Dominion Day. Today, we call it Canada Day and we celebrate it much like our neighbours to the south do the 4th of July.
Did I ever tell you that history is a lot like baking to me. I prefer geography over it as I do cooking over baking. So with that, my Canadian history lesson has come to an end.
What do you think of when you think of Canada? Besides peace, here are a few things that come to my mind:
- The Maple Leaf
- Maple Syrup
- The Beaver
- The Loon and the Loonie
- The Moose
- The Royal Canadian Military Police (aka the Mountie)
- Niagara Falls
- The Rocky Mountains
- Tim Hortons
And with that, I tell you that I feel fortunate to be a Canadian. I feel safe in my country and believe I live in one of the greatest places in the world. While that doesn’t mean I don’t like to explore the rest of this beautiful earth, it does make me always come home to put my feet up and be grateful for all things Canadian. With that I am grateful to be a civil servant for Canada, and as you know, a proud military spouse.
Happy Canada Day to all!