As we enter into a new year it is often a time to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the new.
In reflection, 2024 had Will in Vancouver and me in Victoria the majority of the year. It saw our granddaughter transition from a “freshie” to a toddler with a very distinct personality. Watching her personality grow is a gift that I will enjoy and savour every moment of. 2024 brought many visitors to our home, many who had not visited since we moved to Victoria. September took us on a fabulous holiday in Southern California and Vegas. And the year closed out just like we like it most: with a quiet night at home.
I always start out the New Years in two ways. Going to bed with money in my sock on New Year’s Eve as well as by resolving not to do laundry on New Year’s Day. The first in hopes of a prosperous year, the latter so not to wash the new year luck away. There was a time when I believed in New Year’s resolutions. But as I get older, I realize that in my opinion, resolutions are associated with either success or failure, and in hindsight looking at it this way, maybe that’s why I never felt like I was successful in the resolution department.
I came across this recently and think it a better way to look at life and the start of 2025. What do you think?
So, I choose not to make any definitive resolutions this year but I do vow to be mindful of certain things and set some financial goals for myself. Perhaps that outlook will make things feel more achievable. And being mindful will allow me to be a better person. Like trying to spend more time with loved ones, say I love you more, try to be more patient etc.
Who am I kidding? We may as well just call them what they are: Resolutions.
I look forward this year on planning for retirement at the end of 2026.. Thinking about and planning some getaways. And try to find more time to do this: this website. Because I really do enjoy writing and sharing but just cannot seem to carve out enough time to do so. So, I pledge to do better at that.
And today while reflecting on 2024, this post and the year ahead, I thought about what I wanted to experience in life this year. I am coming up with a 12-month plan of dining experiences: places to see and experience this year. I will post that shortly and keep you appraised of each experience through a post! I think our binging of The Bear over the holidays inspired me a little.
I challenge you to consider an experience you want to enjoy this year and maybe share it with me. Life is short. And life is what we make it. Let’s make the most of our time together on this planet together!
Happy New Year / Bonne Année / Καλή Χρονιά / Feliz Año Nuevo / 新年快乐
4 thoughts on “New Me, New You, New Year!”
Oh I like this idea! Have you gone to Le Petit Chef yet? If not maybe we can do it together! Happy New Year!
I went to Le Petit Chef on a cruise once! It was so much fun! I would do this with for sure! Maybe something for the MargaritteVille gang to do together!
We *almost* booked a 4 night Alaskan starter cruise but decided that we’d rather do one that goes higher up. And I’d like to wait to see what happens after the election..
But, Lane and I have talked about a few ideas to for a road trip? Rockies? Or maybe to the North end of the Island? TBD.
I’m going to Mexico in March and November again. Going to try to get off resort more. And I’m dreaming of a beach mango.
So long as we have a world of dreams we have possibilities ❤️.