

All things food, drink, travel and life.

A New Adventure!

I’m starting a blog! I hope you will follow me. This is something way out of my comfort zone. It is a way to combine my love of writing with my love of food, drink and travel.

They say (and I wish I knew who actually said it) that if you work at what you love, it will never be work. So I am here to test that theory.

I am not sure where this will go but it will be an evolution, I am sure of that. Here you will find recipes, tips, tricks, gadgets, restaurants experiences and who knows what else. When I travel, if we ever really get to enjoy that again, I will include those experiences as well.

What you will be hard pressed to find will be baking and curry as I am not a lover of either, although I may dabble and share in the baking area. My true passion is cooking.

Thank you for reading this! I hope you will follow me on this new journey!