

All things food, drink, travel and life.

Author name: Lynda

Hey Mom I Made It

Fridays at work are the days that are super quiet for me and I usually end up plugging in my ear phones to listen to some music, put my head down and just get sh** done.  Yesterday I came across this song and I just wanted to share it. I  am not sure why this

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Gratinée Parisienne

I have already made a post about soup, but it’s winter, and soup makes everything better so here I am. If I were to be honest, I really wanted to call this post “The Soup Nazi” after that classic episode of Seinfeld, but in today’s world, that’s probably not appropriate. So instead, I found a

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What Happens In Vegas

So during our California holiday getaway, we did a “pause” and headed for Vegas. And you know what they say about Vegas… what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless your super conservative like me and then nothing really happens. But this is what happened in Vegas. I have been blessed enough to go to

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From Napa to Monterey

We departed San Francisco on New Years day and picked up our rental vehicle for the balance of our holiday. This trip was not one that was really planned out at all other than the beginning, the middle some where, and the end.   It’s not really like me to not have a plan, but I

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person wearing blue jeans besides gray steel fence

Weekend in Vancouver

My mum was visiting from Ontario recently (hence no posts). She only really asked to do one thing when she was here: to see a Canuck’s game.  So, I got us tickets. Five of us (not counting Stella) squeezed into the car and ventured over to Vancouver from the Island on a Friday afternoon. Traffic

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In Remembrance

I am a proud military wife.  And today, we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms and privileges we continue to enjoy every day in this country. Today, as we take a moment to honour those we lost, let us also remember the countless men and women serving our country on various

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No Soup for You

Well fall has finally arrived in Victoria. After an extended summer with very little rain, the cool, damp wet weather has arrived.  I recently had to put away my sandals and pull out my real shoes to wear to work, which actually makes me very sad.  Last week was Halloween which I enjoyed with a

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Eggcited to Share

I still haven’t figured out what came first, the chicken or the egg! I LOVE eggs. Breakfast, lunch, dinner…. brunch.  Any time, any where, just about any way. Hard boiled, scrambled, poached, in an omelet, or just plain old “dunkable” as my daughter used to call the over easy. Frittatas, eggs benedict, quiche, or a

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The Bucket List

What exactly is a bucket list? I am sure many of you may have seen the 2007 film The Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. For those of you who have not or are not familiar with the expression, according to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a bucket list is: -a list of things that one

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BBQ Burgers and Buns

There are a few significant things in my life I am extremely proud of. The first of which is that I am blessed with three of the most exceptional, considerate, respectful and overall beautiful humans aka my kids. We got that right for sure. All three times. The other thing is that I have been

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Summer Sweet Treats

I know I said earlier that I am not much of a baker. Its been hot in Victoria this summer, and I had a craving for this sweet treat that I used to make many years ago. Its not really a baked desert, but its a chilled desert of yummy goodness. The original recipe came

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East vs. West

I grew up just outside a mid sized city in Southwestern Ontario. The Forest City. “Central Canada”. The summers were so very hot and humid and the winters full of snow squalls with snow days. I grew up thinking it was the best place in the world with no ambition to ever leave. In my

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A New Adventure!

I’m starting a blog! I hope you will follow me. This is something way out of my comfort zone. It is a way to combine my love of writing with my love of food, drink and travel. They say (and I wish I knew who actually said it) that if you work at what you

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