

All things food, drink, travel and life.


What Happens In Vegas

So during our California holiday getaway, we did a “pause” and headed for Vegas. And you know what they say about Vegas… what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless your super conservative like me and then nothing really happens. But this is what happened in Vegas. I have been blessed enough to go to

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From Napa to Monterey

We departed San Francisco on New Years day and picked up our rental vehicle for the balance of our holiday. This trip was not one that was really planned out at all other than the beginning, the middle some where, and the end.   It’s not really like me to not have a plan, but I

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person wearing blue jeans besides gray steel fence

Weekend in Vancouver

My mum was visiting from Ontario recently (hence no posts). She only really asked to do one thing when she was here: to see a Canuck’s game.  So, I got us tickets. Five of us (not counting Stella) squeezed into the car and ventured over to Vancouver from the Island on a Friday afternoon. Traffic

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