My mum was visiting from Ontario recently (hence no posts). She only really asked to do one thing when she was here: to see a Canuck’s game. So, I got us tickets.
Five of us (not counting Stella) squeezed into the car and ventured over to Vancouver from the Island on a Friday afternoon. Traffic was, well, worse than normal. But we made it to the game, albeit a few minutes late.
I have never been to a live NHL game. Tried a few times, but never made it until Mum asked. And lets face it, Vancouver had not been having a great season so far, so I was not expecting much. But let me tell you, we had amazing seats behind the net and when Vancouver scored their first goal, IT WAS NOTHING SHORT OF ELECTRIC! I have never felt so energized in my life. It was truly hard not to get into the spirit. The Canucks ended up winning against the Kings, and I have a new found love of live sports.
The most important thing about this trip was that my 80 year old mum enjoyed the game and it made her happy. And well, watching my 22 year old kid eat hotdogs, drink beer and truly get into the game was a mother’s joy.
We ventured off for breakfast the next day and enjoyed a lovely breakfast at a place called Yolks. A small, no fuss diner that served an array of eggs benedict, a decent cup of coffee, Mimosas and not-too-bad Caesars as I was told (by those sporting a hangover and always in search of the best Caesar). I don’t generally deviate from classic bennies (which was again the case for me), but the rest of the table tried the Florentine, Pork Belly and a Portobella Mushroom Benny, along with an order of avocado toast.
We finished our day laughing, driving through Vancouver, walking through Stanley Park on a fine fall day and enjoying a testing at Stanley Park Brewing. I’m not a real beer drinker but the expresso martini was a hit and went down smashingly! It was a great end to a great weekend.
I would definitely recommend a game, Yolks for a decent breakfast if your looking for bennies, and Stanley Park Brewing for flights and snacks! Most of all, I recommend spending time with family and making your Mum happy, regardless of the effort.